Ready State

Senior Designer

(2021-2022) Conceptulized and generated a variety of media from concept to final execution with teams from Amazon, Instacart, Markforged, Snowflake, and Torani. Edited video and created strategic content for blogs, social media, and marketing materials.

Amazon FireTV Feature Rotator
Amazon FireTV Feature Rotator

Amazon FireTV

Worked with project managers, strategists, and copywriters to develop on-screen promotions and content encouraging FireTV users to upgrade their devices and increase awareness of specific types of programming.

Amazon FireTV Blog Heros
What matters to you


The campaign aimed to educate potential shoppers on why they should choose Instacart and what sets IC apart from other grocery delivery and pickup services. I worked with stakeholders to create and present the Instagram social media campaign encouraging potential shoppers to sign up.

What do you want?
Art to Part White Paper

Markforged 3D Printers & Software

Collaborated with art directors, account leads, & stake holders to create e-books, white papers, and infographics to educate customers about technology advancements and material capabilities.

one pagers
Aerospace ebook
Aerospace ebook
Tier 1


Developed image standards based on inspiration and previously created work. The guidelines allowed for faster iteration and fewer edits to client-requested blog hero images and social media graphics.

Tier 2
Tier 4